02 November 2010

rally to restore the everyday

I wasn't actually present at the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally in DC over the weekend, but I talked to someone at church who was, so that's kind of like I was there, right?

It's playing the six degrees of separation game, only with events. In the same way, I attended Obama's inauguration, and I'm pretty sure I could figure out a way to have attended the Oscars.

{Yeah, you're right—just knowing someone who went isn't really all that cool.}

But I did watch Jon Stewart's closing speech online, and it made me want to invite him to be a guest blogger for me.

Not that I've ever asked anyone else to write for me.

Or that he'd agree.

Or that I have the tiniest inkling of how to go about making that happen.

But still: I wanted him to write for me because he talked about something I talk about all the time. No, not musicals. Or Jane Austen. Or poetry. Or boys or running.

Jon Stewart talked about the small but significant ways we live our lives.

On a much bigger stage than I have ever used, he talked about how we find common ground and get through the day, through traffic, through small talk, through getting to know people who are different from you.

He didn't use this phrase, of course, but what he was talking about was the magic of the everyday, which I'm a big proponent of.

At least that's the feeling I got as I listened to the speech—that America isn't on the edge of disaster and that we are working hard to get along and fix what isn't working. In our small lives, we're getting by.

I especially liked this from Jon Stewart's speech:

"Most Americans don’t live their lives solely as Democrats, Republicans, liberals or conservatives. Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do. Often something they do not want to do. But they do it. Impossible things [are accomplished] every day that are only made possible through the little reasonable compromises we all make."

We're moving ahead. Together. Little by little.

And I hope you voted today.


  1. I also LOVED his closing speech. It is great to hear the occasional voice of sanity in the media - and the fact that so many people attended and cheered him on gave me new faith in humanity! Yes, we can disagree on policies or ways to fix problems - but we don't have to be enemies!
    Keep writing Kamiah - I love it!

  2. Thanks much, Val!

    I seriously could watch that speech every day. It was just so...relatable, if that's a word. (And it is now.)



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